Why You Need to Understand Trademark Laws

Every single business decision you make triggers and impacts trademark laws.
Think about all the places you are using your name in your business. Every single instance is impacting trademark law. The reason for this extreme level of impact is that the purpose of a trademark is to identify and distinguish the source of goods and services for consumers, so that when they are shopping in the marketplace - they can easily see a brand and know whether they'd like to purchase.
Massive benefits of understanding WHY you need to pay attention to trademark laws
When you know WHY you need to pay attention to trademark laws as you are busy building a business around a name/brand, then you are able to protect ALL the:
- Money and time you've spent on branding,
- Money and time you've spent on your landing pages,
- Money and time spent on design and layout of email sequences,
- Money and time you've spent on your social media accounts,
- Money and time you've spent on your website,
- Money and time you've spent on the products you sell,
- Money and time you've spent on the services you sell,
- Money and time!
As you invest money and time to build a business around a brand, each decision becomes based on what the name of the business is, and that is why every business decision you make impacts trademark law.
Don't get bit in the you know what
Let's say you ignore what I'm saying and keep moving forward every day, hour by hour, building your business around the name/brand that you think is awesome.
And it turns out that you've either exactly copied someone else, or your name is so darn close that it's likely to confuse people when they are shopping in the marketplace.
Well then in addition to losing all the time and money that I shared with you above, you may also have to:
- Give up your domain to the business that you infringed on. (Now domain laws and trademark laws aren't the same but there are times that they definitely impact each other.)
- Hire a trademark lawyer ($350+/hour) to defend you when the business owner you infringed on sues you.
Your next steps ...
Find out whether the name/brand you are building your business around is going to cause you trouble going forward because you're unknowingly committing trademark infringement. You do this by:
- Running a trademark search through the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Below is one of the worksheets from Trademark Class that you can use as a worksheet to help you keep track of your results.
- Correctly interpreting your results. If you don't completely understand what you're doing, then spend the money to hire a trademark attorney to help you run a good trademark search and interpret the results.
- When you have the results, you'll be able to easily know once-and-for-all that the name you're using to build your business with isn't committing trademark infringement.
Now you need to know whether you need to trademark the name/brand that you're building your business around. You do this by:
- Decide whether you should trademark the name you're building your business around. You can use this step-by-step worksheet to help you.
If you do need to trademark your name, then click here to learn HOW to go about trademarking the name/brand that you are building your business around.