DO IT RIGHT! Marketing, Drip, & 3rd Party Settings on Kajabi

Setting up your Kajabi website? DO IT RIGHT the first time. In this video I’ll show you EXACTLY what to watch out for when setting up MARKETING, DRIP, & 3RD PARTY INTEGRATIONS settings. How to make sure that if you push one button it doesn’t make another area fart unexpectedly!
To watch the entire video, you can scroll to the bottom of this page or CLICK HERE to watch on YouTube.
00:00 Welcome & Bloopers
1:05 Section 1: Marketing Settings and what matters
4:45 Section 2: Drip Settings and what matters
6:38 BONUS: How Drip affects your PRODUCT CONTENT
8:11 BONUS: Where the EMAIL TEMPLATE for drip notification lives
9:52 Section 3: Third Party Integrations and what matters
12:41 Checklists: Walkthrough of each step
If you enjoyed this video and would like to continue watching the series, here are the next videos.
Watch the Complete Series
This video is the 3rd video in the DO IT RIGHT! Doing Your Kajabi Site Settings Right the First Time!
Video 1: Kajabi Website Explored DO IT RIGHT! Filling in Site Details
Video 2: Kajabi Website Explored DO IT RIGHT! Blog SEO, Payment, Domain, Mobile App
Video 3: Kajabi Website Settings DO IT RIGHT! Marketing, Drip, & 3rd Party
Complete Steps for Getting Marketing, Drip, and 3rd Party Access Set-up Correct.
Checklists are fantastic! There's a reason they are mandatory for pilots and doctors - miss a step and the consequences may be dire (really bad!). As a business owner a missed step can cost you one sale or thousands of sales - both in time and money. Get your hands on a trusted source and stop reinventing the wheel or in this case trying to remember all the steps!
CLICK HERE to access this checklist.
STEP 1 Marketing Settings
STEP 2 Drip Settings
STEP 3 Third Party Integrations
Are you ready for more?
If you enjoy this content and relate to how I approach blending life and business, then now is the time to learn more about me and PBK, Preneur Business Klub. We're straight-forward, truth-telling, and enthusiastically loyal business owners, like yourself, who are dead-set on not just making incredible lives but having incredible lives with beyond incredible experiences with the people that matter most to us. We call it our #vacationinglife.
Preneur Business Klub
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The Players on My Team
I'm often asked about my team because from the outside looking in it appears that I do all that I do on my own. News flash 💥 NO ONE DOES ANYTHING ON THEIR OWN - we all have people, places, and things that help us. I am no exception. However I am the exception when it comes to defining TEAM. I've already had my decades-long career managing people and it's not high on my enjoyment list and so I designed and built a TEAM that provides strength, stability, and scalability that I do ENJOY! Feel free to checkout all the help I have that is always hiding in plain sight.
CLICK HERE for the PBK Team
Do you have?
Direct links to tools, resources, etc. mentioned in this video:
Where can I find you?
At my home most often ... oh you mean out here in the social media land ... well, the best place and honestly most fun place is on Instagram. I'll give you the different accounts and would love to follow you also, if you'd like. I love the freedom that this business provides and while we use our devices to make and run these lives - what's far more fun for me is living them!
@tamsenhorton - family, a bit of business
@vacationinglife - family adventures, the outside pictures that are created by all these behind the scenes checklists
@bunjiscout - our first pet ever and her Instagram
And while I haven't set up accounts and might not ever I do use the hashtags #pbk #preneurbusinessklub