How to Set-up a 5-day Challenge with an Open and Close Cart

np2nyc team tech

When you'd like to set up a challenge in Kajabi, these are some of my tried-and-true best practices (especially if you are new to running challenges). 

Step 1: What is your NP2NYC? 

  • What is your NP2NYC™? 
  • You have to know exactly the role that your challenge has in the specific NP2NYC flight plan that you are creating. 
  • What is your North Pole/read magnet?
  • What is your lead magnet? This is likely the challenge since people are opting-in to the challenge.
  • What is your Intro Offer? When you open the cart, what are you selling?
  • What is your NYC Offer? After the intro offer, what is the next product or service you want to sell people? 

Step 2: What is the timeline of your challenge? 

  • Create your timeline. 
  • Add in all the specific dates that are involved. 
  • I recommend committing to running a challenge at least 12 times, so take this time to plan out the next 12 times you would run this challenge. When you commit to running it multiple times, you give yourself permission to be a student of your own process which makes you better. 
  • When you have your timeline done, then match it up with your personal and family calendar to make sure that you are not double-booking or over-extending yourself. 

Step 3: Create the Event in Kajabi

If this is the first time you've run a challenge with Events, then I recommend a hybrid approach where you use a combo of Event emails and Email Broadcasts so that you have the advantage of some automation but also retaining a large amount of control as you are learning. 

  • Trello checklist for Events CLICK HERE
  • Using coupon codes for special sales based on the Event CLICK HERE
  • I recommend having these pages for an opt-in challenge: 
    • 1. Optin in page with Form. 
    • 2. Thank you page - displays with confirmation information after the successful submission on the Form. 
    • 3. Sales page - shared when you open the cart. 
    • As you'll see on the video - I definitely recommend building the sales page first and then simply hiding the sections you don't need on the other pages - saves time, maintains consistency = win, win, win in my book!

Step 4: Test drive the sign-up experience. 

  • Once you have your CHALLENGE OPT-IN PAGE done with the Form, then make sure you test the sign-up experience before you publicize it. 
  • If you have a specific question, you are always more than welcome to ask.